Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I love Ewe...

We found this costume at Colt's Parents house yesterday..and I love it on Colt so much that I wouldn't let him take it off. My tummy muscles hurt from laughing so hard.

I love EWE Colt!

Monday, October 26, 2009

We Gather Here Today....

Today while Colt and I were walking out of the grocery store...we saw a strange sight. It was a pigeon standing on something weird in the middle of the road. Colt thought it was stuck in it, but i knew what it was right away.

It was a poor sad pigeon was standing on top of a very smooshed dead pigeon. It looked so sad. You could just tell it was mourning for its lost friend. My heart broke for that poor little bird... Sniff Sniff

then Colt decided to illustrate it for me. So now its cute/sad.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sorry folks that I haven't been blogging much. School and work are a KILLER. But I promise to keep it more up to date.

If you haven't seen me in a while, or HEARD me in a while. You wouldn't know that I have "chronic sneezing". Basically it is sneezing...that just doesn't happen once or twice at a time. But more like around twenty times. And these "spells" come on about 10 times a day. So basically, i do alot of sneezing. It has come to the point where it is painful on my back, my sinuses are burning. I always sound like a have a plugged nose, and my ears itch like the Dickens! This has been happening for more than half a year now. So basically, i have learned to live with it. Oh well


i wish i was that cute when i sneezed....